Tuesday, September 8, 2009

When eye wash is not enough

I think it was Anne Leibovitz who said Your right to wear a polyester leisure suit stops where my eyes begin, or did I just make that up myself. Even if she didn’t, the saying still holds true.

During a weekend stroll in St Augustine where the rich and famous come out to play I was subject to an array of ... how can I say this! What would be the opposite of Eye Candy?

Oh Yes! Eyesores

and things you just can never get away from. Come on people what are you thinking?

Some of the things that hurt my eyes are,

Women that smoke in the street. Anyone for that matter.

( Check out the stance. It says I look cool and calm. )

Pretty as a picture? Think again.

Sausage casing is not a fashion statement!

Sausage casing is for holding in sausage. Kind of like a girdle.

The theory is that If you have to squeeze yourself into something the odds are that something is a bit to small.

My advice would be to always look into a mirror before you leave the house. If you don't have a mirror ask a trusting friend, How does this look on me? Remember never, never, never ask a friend who has the same ascetics as you.

( Look to the left of this picture.)

Hay! What are you trying to do poke my eye out with those things?

click on picture to enlarge if you dare

911 Please! Is there a hair dresser on the street?

Old hippy woman with long gray unkept hair.

Shampoo, conditioner, combs, hair nets, barrettes, hair pins and best yet scissors

are all sold in just about any retail venue anywhere in the world.

Hair like this goes along with a cauldron my pretty.

Poison Apple anyone?

Goth is over. Emo is in or is it on its way out already. Oh trends are so much fun to watch wax and wane.

One day you're in the next you're out.

Get a real look.

Rah- Rah hats that light up.

God help me!

If orange and blue wasn't bad enough. Over sized girls in over sized football jerseys.

Just because corporate America markets something doesn’t mean you have to swallow it. When buying something to wear make shore it fits. Shoulder seams should start and stop in the same place so should the arm holes on your sleeves... at the shoulder. A short sleeve is just that, short. They were never meant to cover your elbow.

No one should be seen in a FJ if you don’t play football.

You don’t see me flailing around town in a ballerina tutu do you?

Someone call What not to wear.

The un-life in wax. Sleeping Beauty???????

Why is she so yellow? I thought she was sleeping not dead.

Please take this out of the window.

Anything gator.

You payed good money to look like that?

Can someone please tell me what could be so appealing about the cut of the Hawaiian shirt.

The cut is square. It makes you look square.

Add a gator motif and you look square and tacky.

Way to go there Broooo!

What about then Gators!

No No No to the shoes. You're on vacation

not on the track.

In the late 1980‘s there was a store in New York City’s upper west side that sold fashion for men and women. When they were forced to go out of business by the lack of public interest to care about looking dressed. The compony took out a full centerfold add in the New York Times that read

“ Denim, Flannel, Tee Shirts .

Wake us up when its over."

For well over two decades now we have looked like slobs.

How long can we live like this?

And again anything gator.

You left your team in g-v ille. Besides the game was yesterday.

I was better off without my new glasses.

Stop the insanity I want to get off.


  1. Love it..you're so great!

    XO Fat Baby

  2. how about finding more men to bash or is it mostly women you like to insult?

  3. Looks like you struck a nerve. :) Lesters controversial blog, excellent!

    We met long ago
    I still keep up with you
    even though you don't know

    Judging from your blog, those old eyes are seeing clearer than ever.

    Keep looking all around you, the world is opening its window to let you sneek in.

    No signature
    No identity
    No restraints
