Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ones man’s junk?

Isn’t it interesting how when one generation starts to gets tired of something a younger generation starts to discover it. It only takes about 20 or 30 years to have a come back. Fashion, cocktails,

home decor, hair styles, fabric vacation destinations and even foods have a resurgence.

So it goes to say that just because someone gets bored with something and wishes to replace it with something new doesn’t mean it hasn’t any value.

It’s interesting how things come back into style. I am not sure what the reason is for this phenomenon to accrue but I do know this. It takes someone to recognize the value in the discarded for the re-trend to start. Be it the lack of disposable income or a great astatic eye it’s usually the younger generation that discovers and revitalize the old trend. It slowly takes foot and off we go.

All Martha has to do is notice the re-trend and post it in her Martha Mag, and hold on to your seat. Prices fly and commodities are born.

"And thats a good thing."
What I find even more interesting is that when we replace the old with the new the old becomes taboo. Colors, fabrics, clothing, architecture, food and even movie stars

come and go in popularity. We become snobs at best.

The glory of Iceburg.

“Oh my God! Can you believe they had the nerve to served me Iceberg Lettuce.”

Polyester!!! I would never.”

Will guess what; the wedge had a comeback and with nothing else but Thousand Island Dressing. I guess all you snobs missed it already.

Not that I didn’t have my fill of it back in the 60s.

Yes! There was always the Caesar Salad made with a fesh raw egg at your table,

Oh my God did I say a RAW egg!

We are now turning up our noses at the best salad ever created;

"No egg please." said in a whimpering nasal voice,

but back in the days Iceberg was the salad of the day in most fine dinning establishments. We may have been offered a choice in dressings on your chopped salads but the wedge always came with TID. What’s a guy to do! As you know I admire dinner plates. I also have an uncanny ability to see a trend coming. Call me

Modona but it’s true. The 60s and 70s are back in full force. So full that it’s just about to go out again. Do I see the 80s creeping in?


Was that the worst era for fashion or what? Big hair,

Do you smell hair burning?
big makeup, big shoulders, big shoes and little food on big plates. I myself will have to say No!!! to the re-trend of the shoulder pads though. The foot ball player look never did work for me or anyone else for that matter.

Hello Joan Collins.

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved how this retrending thing happens. I remember these awesome bell bottom pants I had in high school. They were made of a thick upholstery fabric with crazy stripes and had an old, old label from one of those high end department stores.
